How It Works

- Created for convenient and easy shopping
- Buy all your Construction Needs in one place

Step 1
Register in the app and fill in all the necessary details

- Search for the required materials from all the Top & Local Brands.
- Compare the prices using "Price Finder" from different stores available in your location.

Step 2
Shortlist & add all your products to the Cart
Secured Payments

- Process the payment to our Virtual Secured Account "Escrow".
- The transaction is completed only for satisfied deliveries, or else it will be refunded to your bank accounts.

Step 3
Place the order and wait for the delivery!
Timely Delivery

- Check the quality of the material and unload it only if you are satisfied.
- Open the App & Give your feedback to process the payment.

Step 4
Start building your dream house with Cement Exchange App!
Sign Up

- Sell Cement Online Anywhere, Anytime.
- Connect with potential customers in a professional & organized way.

Step 1
Download and register in the app with your store name & brands.
Get Request

- Get customer requirements instantly & free.
- Genuine & 100% verified customer leads.

Step 2
Submit your best price & delivery timings

- Open the App & Raise an Invoice to Cement Exchange.
- Amount will be processed after the successful delivery.

Step 3
Deliver the material to the customer's preferred location

- Ensure quality material and timely deliveries for star ratings.
- More customer ratings equal to More Business.

Step 4
Increase your business profits with Cement Exchange App